
The Quiet Returns


Undertaking this conceptual photography project I set out to examine the great resource in abundance all over Ireland, the forests. These forests exist as an industry to provide resources. They are also a place I often go to find some peace and quiet.

 Through this project I have examined the impact of the forestry works. The contrast before and after the forest has been harvested and what is left behind both materially and visually when “The Quiet Returns” to the landscape.  


“The Quiet Returns” is the working title for my project in the Structured Photo Module in my 2nd year in Griffith College Dublin where I am studying for a BA in Photographic Media. I decided to undertake a Conceptually Based Photographic Practice project which is to be research based.

The final submission required 6 prints from a body of work and when I have completed this I will post the full project and update the description. I chose to use to use one of the images for my first exhibition which was a group exhibition by all full and part-time 2nd year students.